Thursday, August 21, 2014

Daily Snap: Presidential Candidate?

Gear: Canon 5D Mark III; Canon 70-200 2.8L
Settings: f/2.8, 1/250th of a second, ISO 2500, 100mm

The story: I was called to cover the annual John Ashbrook Memorial Dinner at Ashland University, an event which has featured previous keynotes like Ronald Reagan, George Bush and Margaret Thatcher. This year's speaker was Dr. Ben Carson, a famed surgeon, author and philanthropist. When asked about a possible 2016 presidential run (his name has been tossed around here and there), Carson said: "We're laying the groundwork."

Why I like the photo: Your options are pretty limited at events like this. Low light. He's pretty distanced from the crowd. And there wasn't anything spectacular about the venue. So I had a bunch of photos that look somewhat similar. But this one stands out to me ... I'm not sure why. It might be because it looks a lot like an AP photo you would see from a politician's campaign spot, and that type of photo been embedded in my brain as a good photo to get. He's got some leading room. There's an interesting echo of the patterns in the tie and the background. The glint in the glasses draws your eyes into the shot. His eyes are on the same plane as "University."

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