Sunday, October 12, 2014

Daily Snap: Dig this

Gear: Canon 5D Mark III; Canon 70-200 2.8L
Settings: f/2.8, 1/1000th of a second, ISO 5000, 200mm

The story: High school volleyball match. My usual process is to shoot first set from the floor, second from an elevated spot, then go with the flow after that. Wherever the volleyball spirits take me. Anywho, this was in the first set, where I try to shoot as tight as I can. Honestly, who cares about a full-body shot of someone bumping or setting? I sure don't. So I always shoot for face, hands and ball. Maybe throw the focus point off center. Maybe shoot vertical.

Why I like this one: Eyes, duh! Leading line to ball, complemented nicely by a leading line from her left arm. There's also a nice dynamism. And despite the fact that the background is a little cluttered, it's clean behind her face. And orange is the school colors, so I don't mind that.

Random additional thought. I haven't nailed down WB yet in these gyms. I've been meaning to figure out a dead-on WB with gray card on proper exposure, but I never have time before these things start. This was a RAW file, then I did a spot WB in LR off the Nike swoosh on her headband.

Random additional thought. Little cropping off the left here, but this is basically full-frame at 200mm (I was maybe 10 feet away). Notice the DOF ... her hands are out of focus, but eyes are dead sharp. Also notice the speed of the game ... at 1/1000th of a second, that ball still has motion blur.

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